Friday, January 5, 2007

Myths About Women And International Business

by: Tracey Wilen

Researcher, Nancy Adler conducted a monumental study in the mid 1980’s to address myths about women and international business. Her study investigated if commonly held myths about women in international business were true including: women are not interested in International business, women were not willing to travel overseas for a variety of reasons namely family responsibilities and women would not be viewed as credible in overseas business due to the local perception of women. Her study results revealed that many of these false perceptions were indeed myths often held by male managers and HR personnel, and that women were interested and willing to conduct business overseas.

Today many of these same myths still exist despite the dramatic increase of women in business and women owned businesses and women traveling overseas.

Here are some facts published by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) (, The National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) (, and the Small Business Administration (SBA) (, on women in the work force:

• Women account for over 46% of the work force in America and this is expected to increase to 48% by the year 2005.

• Women comprised 43% of employees in American executive, administrative, and managerial occupations in 1995 and this number is growing.

• Businesses owned by women number 8 million in the U.S., and they employ one out of every four workers. They are growing at double the rate of all businesses.

• 33% of women business owners report that they exported in their first or second year of operation and the majority reported that they were successful on their first transaction.

• In 1998 over 23 million Americans traveled overseas and the primary areas of travel were Europe, Asia, Japan and Latin America.

It is no longer just a rumor that women have become major players in the U.S. workforce and in the global business environment. More and more women are traveling overseas to conduct business for their corporations or for their own business ventures.

Despite these significant advances of women in International business we still find commercial guidebooks that suggest that women should not be in International business. Most books in this genre were written by men and either do not address women’s particular issues in international business or, worse, they suggest that women should not even be sent on foreign business assignments due to role differences which these men perceive to be unconquerable obstacles. In contrast, my own research (1992, 1993, 1995, 1997, 1998) indicates that women can and are successful in international business, despite the variety of viewpoints they encounter around the world. Specifically, my research has demonstrated that establishing credibility during the initial stages of business is one area that businesswomen find critical to their success.

Establishing Your Credibility

For men, credibility is often derived from their gender and their status in the company. For women, credibility is more often derived from their individual skills. Women report that they often have to work extra hard to establish credibility because of their gender.

Some women explain:

When I conduct business in most countries I am consciously aware that my male colleagues have more credibility than I do, just because of gender differences. In most countries women are not expected to have significant positions of authority, so I am frequently viewed in the same way. I am first assumed to be an administrator, not the decision-maker in the group, whereas my male colleague is first viewed as the manager or decision-maker. I feel I have to work doubly hard to establish my credibility before I can effectively conduct business and I’m aware that I need to do this immediately so that the business can start. (Chicago)

When I travel outside the U.S. for the corporate office, I am viewed as foreign first, and female second. However, I feel I am still met with some degree of skepticism as to what my role is and how much authority I have for the corporate office. Due to this, I take extra steps to make sure that the proper introductions are made in advance to limit concerns that men might have about my credibility. (Los Angeles)

As a woman business owner I realize that I am not the norm in many countries. Therefore I have to develop methods by which to establish my self and my company as credible for my foreign business associates. This requires preparation and advance communication about my firm, our success and our viability -- perhaps more than is required for men who run their own firms. (New York)

Here are some pointers for establishing credibility:

• Be visible. Attend and host meetings between your company and your international counterparts whenever possible. International travel is often associated with decision-makers in a firm, so being present adds to your credibility.

• Introductions are important, particularly for women. If you are doing business with a firm for the first time, have yourself introduced by a higher-ranking person in your company who already knows the people with whom you will be dealing.

• If you cannot have someone introduce you, ask a higher-ranking person in your company to send a fax or written correspondence in advance, outlining your title, responsibilities and background.

• Make sure your business card indicates a distinctive title such as “Manager” or “Director” so that your position can be clearly understood. If there is any doubt about your title, it may be automatically assumed that you have a lesser role than other members on your team.

• Some women wear a school ring or a graduate school pendant to subtly advertise their background. Others wear corporate pins designating tenure, thus demonstrating their level of experience.

• In general, foreigners will often look and respond more to the men on your team than the women. This is because there are fewer women in executive positions outside of the U.S. Prepare for this by advising your colleagues of tactics that will help you and the other female members, including making seating arrangements that will place you in a position of authority.

• If someone appears confused about your name and rank, offer him another business card, even if you have already given him one. This is a subtle way of reinforcing your title and ensuring acknowledgment of your participation as an active member at the meeting

• Women should lead business discussions where possible. If there is only one woman and everyone is of equal rank, let the woman take the lead to help establish her credibility.

• A female team leader may experience a problem establishing her credibility unless team members defer to her as the authority figure on the team. American men need to be aware that their tendency to jump in and answer questions, especially when a woman is speaking, undermines her authority and the team’s effectiveness. Women should advise team members not to answer questions directed to her and to otherwise defer to her whenever appropriate. A good response when asked a question that should be directed to a female colleague is: “Jane is the best person to answer that question.”

• Be professional. Present yourself in a sincere, confident, professional manner, both in appearance and speech, to create a good first impression. Be yourself. Do not come on too strong, but don’t defer when it is appropriate for you to respond. Deferring to age and position is, however, always acceptable for both sexes.

• Be aware of women’s roles in other countries. If you understand where women are in their own corporate environment it will give you insight into how the culture may perceive you.

The Role of the Manager

Managers can be very effective in international business by helping to enhance their team’s credibility. The manager can introduce the staff members by title and outline their areas of expertise, act as moderator to refer questions to the appropriate team member, and highlight the staff’s achievements.

In particular, managers can help in the following ways:

• It is important that all team members, including management, understand their roles at the meeting and, more importantly, that they do not act out of role. If one of your colleagues is acting out of role, call for a break to explain how the group loses effectiveness when it is not cohesive.

• As a woman, you should advise management that your personal credibility may be jeopardized if your role is undermined, and that this could hinder the success of the team at any follow-up meetings.

• Managers can help enhance the credibility of female teammates by reinforcing their authority during the meeting. For example, if a woman is not receiving the appropriate respect, the manager may once again bring attention to her role and authority.

Despite commonly held myths about women in International businesswomen are traveling and conducting business internationally in increased numbers and they are successful in their business dealings. Establishing credibility in advance is one of the key areas where women can do to ensure her business success.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Women: Are You Selling Yourself Short? Pricing for a Healthy Business

by: Anne Alexander

A few years ago, Vlasic Pickles teamed up with Walmart to sell a gallon of pickles for the unheard of price of $2.97. They sold over 240,000 gallons of pickles a week. Vlasic loved the sales numbers, only to discover that profits were shrinking by 25% or more, since they only made a penny or two of profit on each jar. Vlasic filed for bankruptcy in 2001.

This story (fully described in Fast Company December ’03 issue), highlights a vital point. In general, we want to price with a goal of maximizing profits, not sales volume. Too often, business owners look at gross revenues (sales), when the net profit is what really matters. We could have sales of $250,000 a year, or $1 million, and be losing money. More sales do not necessarily mean more profit. Having sound accounting and analyzing financial reports regularly are essential. It’s important to remember that profit is not a dirty word. A business must earn a profit to stay in business. Whether a particular business’ profit is fair or is excessive is another matter – that could be the subject of another article!

Why Women Underprice in Their Businesses

Underpricing is a common problem for women entrepreneurs, which happens for several reasons, one of which may be that we don’t know how to properly set a price that will yield a fair profit. Another reason is we often undervalue ourselves and our product and/or service. Furthermore, many of us have concerns about fair economic access to our products and services.

Pricing basics

The first problem of understanding the best way to approach pricing one’s product or service is solved by getting sound business advice, which is readily available in Western North Carolina’s entrepreneurial environment (see sidebar).

There are many methods for pricing for service businesses, retail operations and manufacturers. Going into many of them would be too extensive for this article. However, the basic parameters are easily set. Costs determine our lowest price and must include overhead expenses, marketing costs, R & D, etc. Demand and competition determine our highest price.


Another reason for underpricing is that we often undervalue ourselves. It’s only in the past decade or two that women have been business owners in the large numbers that currently exist. Most new business owners, whether male or female, do not have extensive prior experience in running a business. Women have the additional challenge of overcoming our internalized devaluation of ourselves, especially in the business world. We may feel unqualified or undereducated. Where men might have the tendency to understand and properly value (or sometimes overvalue) their product or service, this is usually not the case with women.

Related to this, we may also underprice so customers will think we’re reasonable and nice. In charging full worth for our products or service, we value not only ourselves but others, because we know that they will receive full value from what they buy. Charging too little for our product or service ultimately devalues both the customer and us. Have you ever had someone charge you too little? You may well have felt bad because you were getting away with something, or you may have paid that person more because otherwise it wouldn’t have felt right. I’ve done both. We must get the help we need to fully value ourselves.

To handle this, we need to get a more objective evaluation of the worth of our product or service. First, we must come to terms with our own worth, through our own inner work with or without the help of friends, therapists, etc. Then we need to do market research. We must know what competitors are charging. This doesn’t mean we charge what they charge, but we need to think through the reasons to charge less, the same or more. Any of these may be effective and profitable, depending on our business.

Equity & social justice

Another reason we might underprice is that we want to have our service and products available to a wide spectrum of people, not just those with higher incomes. This comes from valuable ideals of social justice. Instead of lowering our prices across the board, perhaps to the point of inadequate profits, we can offer unadvertised discounts or sliding scale prices, when appropriate. Another approach is, in our marketing materials, to invite prospective customers to inquire about opportunities for low-income people. If we offer too much at low prices or pro bono, we may end up out of business. Then we can’t help anyone!

Sell on value, not price

The key benefit of our product or service should not be having a low price or the lowest price. This turns our product or service into a commodity (as in the Vlasic pickle story), which is something to be avoided at all costs, no pun intended. We will do best to sell on value. Lowering our prices may result in competitors lowering theirs, so we gain nothing and actually lose. As Bill Caskey wrote in Same Game, New Rules, “The real question is not "what's the price?" although that is what the prospect asks. It's really, 'Is there value in changing from my current situation without this product?' ”

Cash flow

Sometimes we need cash quick, and lowering prices can accomplish that. However for long-term profitability, we may need a higher price. Remember, our product or service helps people solve their problems. The good news is that there are plenty of problems to be solved. So if some potential customers find our prices too high and we have fully explained the value they’ll receive, we can let them go, knowing there are plenty who will see the value and buy from us. Changing our pricing may not be the solution, but rather developing our communication skills.

Raising prices

It’s the same with raising prices. We may gain customers. However competitors may raise theirs, too, and keep their existing customers. If we raise prices and sales decline, it’s not automatically a bad thing. We need to examine our net profits. If our profits are the same or higher, we’re okay. Also, if sales decline, we should see if there has been an overall market decline, rather than a decline in our market share.

In summary, analyze the pros and cons that affect various pricing options you have. If you have extensive industry knowledge, trust your intuition on pricing. Review your pricing frequently, but don’t change it frequently. It’s good to experiment in the beginning, but after the start-up phase, change your pricing only if there is some fundamental change in your product, service or market. Do your homework, experiment scientifically, and don’t get yourself into a pickle!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Women in Business… Stay Home Moms Making Big Money Selling Window Blinds

by: M.B. Gournay

As a National Wholesale supplier of window blinds, shades and shutters, I have had the privilege of helping many men and women start their own businesses. It is most satisfying to see the success of our stay home moms who develop significant home based businesses in the window treatment field. Many of our established and several of our newest distributors are recognizing benefits well above their former career incomes. And, they do this while exercising and spending time with their new born and other young children.

I just wanted to take a few minutes to share the methods for their success and describe the steps you need to take in order to achieve the same success.

Starting your own blinds business, the right way, will cost about $275 in most cases.

Step 1: Goggle your state’s Secretary of State web page. Most offer online applications to establish an LLC. This is a limited liability corporation and is your protection to prevent business litigation from attaching to your personal assets. Most states charge $100-$200 for the filing.

Step 2: Goggle Online Federal Tax ID Registration… and register your new LLC to get a Tax ID number.

Step 3: Find your local State Sales Tax office or visit your State Comptroller’s web page for a re-sale certificate application.

Now that you have a business shell and all the needed government numbers, you are ready to get some customers. Years ago, I started my business in this same fashion. I made Flyers on bright colored paper and passed them out daily to new homes under construction. I pushed my baby jogger, logged a lot of miles, lost the baby weight and started making money in just a few weeks. After you get a few customers, word of mouth starts traveling real fast.

You simply respond to the calls, arrange a daytime meeting to review the color selections and take a 1” steel tape measure so you can get perfect measurements. We have detailed instruction on how to measure and install like a pro on our website. Visit our site at Then, you create a bid sheet from and Excel Template and fax, mail or email the details to your prospective customer. When they are ready to proceed, have them sign the proposal and deposit 2/3 of the bill. Collect the final 1/3 after installation is complete. Collecting 2/3 generally insures that you have collected the full cost of the product. The rest is your profit. A typical 20 blind home should net about $400 in profit if you or your spouse have the ability to install the blinds. I was fortunate that my husband can install a blind in about 3 minutes so we had plenty of $600 days… after he got home from work.

After a few years, we were putting friends all over the country into the blinds business and were supplying their blinds. We finally opened our Web Store to help facilitate their ordering and decided to make it available to anyone who could receive a shipment within the continental 48 states. wants to help you become the successful, independent income-producing mom that we know you can be. You don’t have to have multi-level marketing parties or chase after your friends and family. You can offer better than Big-Box Store quality, personal service, broader selection and do it all for less while making real money.

You’ve just got to be willing to get the ball rolling and I promise that this is easier, faster and cheaper than other in home businesses. You don’t have to buy your blinds from me to be successful. Just follow the steps and let all your friends who are building homes know what you are doing.

Friday, December 8, 2006

Small Business Loans for Women

by: Rebecca Game

The Small Business Administration states that business loans for women are on the rise, and will continue to be needed on an increasing basis in coming years. Business loans for women are more popular than ever due to a variety of factors.

1. Women are taking the initiative needed to become business owners and are opening new businesses.

According to the most recent data on businesses, available from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, there were 5.4 million women-owned businesses in the United States in 1997. The Bureau of the Census also stated that the number of women-owned firms grew almost three times as fast as all firms between 1992 and 1997. They have reported that the number of women-owned firms increased by 16 percent in this five-year period, compared to a six percent increase for United States firms in general. The 1997 Economic Census states that women-owned firms made up 26 percent of the nation's 20.8 million nonfarm businesses, employed seven percent of the 103 million workers, and generated four percent of the $18.6 trillion in receipts. The National Foundation for Women Business Owners states that the current estimated growth rate in the number of women-owned firms is nearly twice that of all firms, and this increase is a trend that is expected to increase even more in coming years. The anticipated increase in women-owned firms, therefore, brings about a tremendous need for business loans for women.

2. The past decade has shown a boom in the home-based business arena.

The increase in home-based businesses popping up nationwide is due very much to the idea that many mothers are starting businesses in order to choose a work-at-home lifestyle to bring income into the home, and at the same time, raise their children at home rather than placing them in daycare. While these home-based business are operated in a nontraditional work environment, in perhaps a nontraditional style of operation, they are nonetheless the same as other businesses in the style of carrying inventory, making purchases for the business, marketing the business, and creating a web presence. Business loans for women are crucial for small businesses such as these. Many have proven to be just as successful or even more successful than traditional businesses and businesses owned by men.

3. Women often purchase existing businesses.

Nearly no explanation is needed to stress the need for business loans for women in this area. Purchasing a business requires money, most often obtained through business loans for women or through another type of loan. Because more and more women are leaving the work place and carefully weighing all factors of owning a business, purchasing an existing business is a wonderful option for those that don't want the risk involved in actually starting a business. By purchasing an existing business, it allows the potential new owner the opportunity to carefully examine the existing business regarding many things, including its profitability, gross sales, and market position. A business that rates high in all three areas is a good business investment for a new potential business owner, especially a women with past business experience. Business loans for women can offer a new, potential business owner the opportunity needed to operate a successful business.

4. With more women in business for themselves, business loans for women are needed to offer women capital crucial for a business to succeed.

Regardless of whether the business is home-based or more traditional in nature, and whether it's a start-up business or was a purchased, existing business, capital is needed for a business to succeed, and to start, business loans for women are of great assistance. Business loans for women offer women a way of starting a new business with capital. Business loans for women can also assist women in increasing sales for an existing business, as well as marketing the business or expanding a business.

5. Women tend to choose to operate businesses in the services or retail trade industries.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, more than seven out of every 10 women-owned businesses and firms are operated in the services or retail trade industries. Considering the nature of these two types of businesses, one can easily see why the need for business loans for women is on the rise. In order for a woman to successfully operate a retail trade business, for example, inventory is needed. While drop shipping can sometimes be an option, especially for an at-home retail business operated through an online store, more realistically speaking, inventory needs to be purchased. Business loans for women offer women the option of purchasing inventory to be sold in a retail business. Likewise, a service-related business normally operates with the use of equipment, and is often specialized equipment for that specific type of business. The availability of business loans for women offers women the opportunity to purchase equipment and supplies needed to operate and succeed in running a service-related business.

Business loans for women are increasingly important for female business owners. However, careful consideration should be taken before securing a business loan to make sure that the loan is truly needed for the business to expand and succeed, and to make sure that the loan payments will easily fit into the business' budget.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Business Grants for Women

by: Rebecca Game

Many women in business find that in order to meet their business' financial needs, they turn to searching out a loan source. Business loans for women are widely available through the Small Business Administration and a variety of other sources such as banks, credit unions and other financial institutions. Loans, however, are not the only source for financing. In some instances, business grants for women are available.

Business grants for women are a wonderful option for some women in business. Grants are an excellent source of funding because grants are not repaid. The funding is provided through government resources that have been budgeted for specific needs in our national community. Anyone is open to apply, so business grants for women are available to anyone regardless of gender, race, religion, or background.

The downside of grants is that business grants for women are not widely available. Rather, business grants for women are available only to select businesses and under very strict circumstances, mostly for research or development. Technologically-focused businesses, for example, will find it much easier to qualify for a grant than a craft or retail business. Still, because the money is readily available, even if your business is retail oriented, it may be of benefit to check into business grants for women available for various resources that could assist you in your business.

According to Denouement Solutions and, the United States government and its government organizations offer more 1000 grants totaling more than $400 billion in grant funding every year. Only 10 percent of citizens that qualify for these grants actually apply for grants, despite the fact that many more than that would qualify for a business grant for women. Therefore, even though not every individual or business is eligible for a business grant for women, it certainly can be beneficial to check into business grants for women.

According to, the United States government's web site and main resource for grants that are available and can be applied for, there are more than 1000 grant programs offered by the 26 Federal grant-making agencies. These programs fall into 21 different categories, as defined by the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance. While some agencies may list available grants under multiple grant categories, the Federal government lists these categories of grants as follows:

- Agriculture
- Art
- Business and Commerce
- Community Development
- Consumer Protection
- Disaster Prevention and Relief
- Education
- Employment, Labor, and Training
- Energy
- Environmental Quality
- Food and Nutrition
- Health
- Housing
- Humanities
- Information and Statistics
- Law, Justice, and Legal Service
- Natural Resources
- Regional Development
- Science and Technology
- Social Services and Income Security
- Transportation

Even though the category of Business and Commerce may be what appears to have the largest selection of resources for business grants for women, consider the other categories as well, according to where your business falls. For example, if your business is a restaurant, don't hesitate to check the Food and Nutrition category for grants currently available. If your business is a farm, check the Agriculture section.

Grants aren't available for starting or opening a new business, and they also aren't available for expanding on an existing business. However, business grants for women can offer funding for research or development of the business. Many grants may not be applicable to your particular business or needs, but there may be funds available for research, education, or other things needed for you to operate and improve your business to help you achieve business growth.

In general, when considering the options for a business grant for women, do your homework and read carefully. Look at all grants available that might be related to your particular business. Consider looking into the Business and Commerce section, of, as mentioned, and also look into the different categories of grant fundings. Take the time needed to read the grant qualifications carefully. With any business, check into the Regional Development category, as well as the Community Development category. Depending on your location within the United States, it's possible to qualify for a grant to economically develop certain areas, and expanding a business in one of these areas can possibly assist you in qualifying for a business grant for women.

Additionally, consider applying for an educational grant if returning to school is an option you'd like to consider. Many grants for higher education are offered each year, and not all are awarded. Knowledge is an extremely valuable business tool, and because the money is readily available for those who qualify, and educational grant is an excellent option to consider as a business grant for women.

Contact the specific government agency offering the grant for tips, information, and to ask questions before submitting your application.

Friday, December 1, 2006

7 Tips for Women’s Business Success

by: John McKee

Many aspiring female executives, business managers and other professionals often forget that they really have 2 jobs – the first is to do what they get paid for (and do it better than men). The other is to proactively manage their career path and do what is required to ensure their upward mobility isn't dependent on others – especially those who notoriously subscribe to the “Old Boys Club” mentality who may or may not be working in her best interest.

The following “secrets”, amassed through my extensive background as both a corporate executive and business consultant, will help female professionals better manage their success path:

1. Understand the “circle of success”. A common piece of advice given to managers is for them to spend a great deal of time getting to know, and working side-by-side, with their staff to ensure each employee has what (s)he needs to be productive. While that idea is well intentioned, it’s does not provide maximum benefit to all involved. Rather, it is more important that female managers spend time helping their boss look good at every opportunity. When (s)he understands that you are able to help her/him succeed, you and your team will get more time, attention and resources facilitating maximum productivity.

2. Accept that sexist stereotypes still exist. Gender stereotyping remains a harsh reality even in today’s so-called politically correct workplace. Many women professionals cite male stereotyping and preconceptions of female “appropriate” roles and abilities as a top barrier to their advancement. It’s important for women to gauge where a male boss stands relative to female professionals. This can be done by analyzing his promotion track record of men vs. women, his balance, or lack, of interactions with male vs. female staffers, and if his interactions with female staffers is strictly professional rather than flirty or simply inane small talk solely about her family. Knowledge is power and, with it, female professionals can navigate accordingly.

3. Speak assertively. How we sound (i.e., one’s unique characteristics of the voice such as pitch, tone, and volume) play an important role in how women are perceived. It is important for female professionals to be especially mindful of how their voices carry during meetings with others, in large rooms, or in rooms with ambient noise issues lest her comment not garner the attention, and perhaps the response, it warrants. Additionally, many women tend to state their opinions, objections or suggestions as a question as opposed to affirmatively and confidently making their point as a statement. In a work context, women must command the floor lest their great ideas fall by the wayside.

4. “Presence” pays. One’s “presence” plays a big part in who gets promoted and who doesn’t. In a nutshell, presence is a combination of how we look, how we carry ourselves, and our communication skills. Because many of us still associate one’s appearance, demeanor and speaking ability with their overall ability, this remains a formidable challenge for those women who have physical or other stereotype-based attributes that are difficult, if not impossible to change, such as height or weight, blonde hair color, or simply a high pitched voice. This subjectivity is even worse for women as society is generally more able to accept men with what’s considered to be shortfalls more than women. Irrespective of these barriers, condition yourself to carry yourself with best posture, speak and gesture in a confident and authoritative manner, and wear attire that imparts your success.

5. Pace your boss. To really stand out from the others and get the all important promotion, women should ensure they are in the office whenever her boss is in the office. Let her or him see that you share the same work ethic. Right, wrong or indifferent, these are new rules of time management. Simply put, if your boss is at work, you should be as well. If (s)he has decided that it's necessary to be there after hours, on weekends, or early in the morning, it is entirely to your advantage to be there at the same time. Even in this day in age of so-called gender equality, women must take advantage of all opportunities to distinguish themselves in the workplace.

6. Step up self promotion. It is important that those who are in the position to benefit a woman’s career in any way know who she is and what she has accomplished. Successful business people understand the importance of letting others know about their successes, and go about it in the appropriate way. If done properly, it will not be construed as bragging or conceit. Women should not wait to get noticed while they toil away at the task at hand, but rather develop the skill of how to strategically talk about her achievements in the workplace.

7. Avoid stagnation. Far too many workers throughout our nation are bored and disinterested, which is adversely impacting their productivity and creativity. Consequently, many U.S. industries are falling behind in the global marketplace. It’s time for our nation’s corporate leaders to re-engage and spend more time acting as leaders rather than bureaucrats. People respond best to positive feedback, emotion and enthusiasm – not e-mail communications, inexplicable charts and fear management. This is where ladies have a leg up, since they tend to be more in tune with the feelings and attitudes of those around them. Women should exploit this innate ability whenever possible, since such attentive leadership ensures that everyone is focused on, and vested in, getting to the goal lines. This is the most critical issue impacting an organization’s productivity.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

How To Influence People

By: Joe Love

Most of your success in life will come from your ability to deal effectively with other people. Your success will be determined by the number of people you know, and who know you in a favorable way. Everything you achieve will be through other men and women. These are people who will be there to assist you at the critical junctures of your life. Your ability to influence other people to act in your best interest is one of the most important skills you can ever develop to achieve happiness and success.

One of the common qualities that all leaders possess is the ability to get people to go along with them. In fact, the opposite of influencing others is simply being influenced by them. You can be either proactive or reactive. You can either go along with people, or you can get them to go along with you. Your success will depend on your ability to gain the active cooperation of others. Having the cooperation of others is indispensable in achieving your goals.

How you are perceived by others will not only determine the influence you have over them, but it will also determine your credibility as well. Everything you do or donโ€™t do either ads or takes away from your credibility and your capability to influence others.

One of the most important factors in your credibility with others is your appearance. Youโ€™ve probably heard of the saying that you never get a second chance to make a good first impression. When you meet a person for the first time, they make an initial judgment about you in approximately four seconds, and a final judgment within thirty seconds.

Everything contributing to the way you look on the outside is important. If itโ€™s not helping you, then itโ€™s hurting you. While you cannot control your physical features, you have total control over the way you dress and your grooming. You are consciously and deliberately making a statement about yourself by your appearance.

Your clothes are responsible for 95 percent of the first impression you make on someone. Your grooming and your hair style can exert an inordinate influence on the way that you are perceived by someone. Your accessories, such as a purse, briefcase, watch, tie, pen, and other items you carry with you all make a statement about you that influence the way you are perceived by others.

Another important element in influencing other people are the emotional elements of your conversation with other people. Your ability to communicate to the deep and subconscious needs of other people will have a major impact on your ability to influence them. We are all emotional. Everything that we do or say, and all of our decisions are determined by our emotions. Therefore, to be able to influence others, we need to be able to connect with whatever causes them to feel strongly one way or another.

One of the most powerful, yet underused skills you can develop to influence others is the ability to ask questions carefully, and then listen to the answers. Listening builds trust and credibility. The more you listen to what the other person is saying, the more he or she will trust you and be open to your influence. An important rule to follow when it comes to effective communication, is to never say anything if you can find a way to ask it instead.

Your success in every area of your life will depend a great deal on the quality and quantity of the relationships you can initiate and develop over time. If are going to achieve happiness and success in life, it will be through the relationships you have with other people. In the business world, a person will not do business with you until theyโ€™re convinced that you are their friend and that you are acting in their best interest. In other words, someone canโ€™t be influenced by you unless they like you in some way. Of course, itโ€™s often possible for you to influence a person if they fear you, but that type of influence lasts only until the person can rearrange their situation and escape the circumstances that enable you to have control over them.

The safest way to influence someone, is to earn their liking and respect, by becoming their friend. This requires spending time with them, caring and respecting them. The more time your are willing to spend with the person, the greater that personโ€™s tendency will be to trust you and to feel that you are acting in his or her best interest. The more obvious it is that you care about the person, about what they really need, the more likely it is that he or she will be open to your influence. This is even more important in your personal relationships, with members of the opposite sex, your friends, and your children. The more that people feel you care about them, the more open they will be to your influence in some way.

Another way to influence others is through expertise. Expertise is closely tied to knowledge, but it is a little different. Expertise it the ability to perform well in your chosen field. Men and women with expertise are those who practice over and over in whatever they do until they become known far and wide as the very best in their field.

Having a positive mental attitude is indispensable if you want to influence other people. The more positive and enthusiastic you are about yourself and your work, the more influence you will have over other people. Emotions are contagious. Your emotions have an impact on the behavior of other of other people. When you get excited about what your are doing, you get others excited as well. The more positive and optimistic you are about what you are doing, the more positive others will be towards you. And this makes it easier for you to influence them to accept your ideas, and get them to help you achieve your goals.

One of the best ways to influence someone is to do something nice for them. Always find out how you can help the other person improve their life in some way, without expecting anything in return. You are sowing the seeds to reap the harvest later. When you do nice things for others without any expectation of anything in return, it triggers a desire in people to reciprocate.

One of the best ways to use the principle of sowing and reaping is to continually look for ways to say and do positive things for people. Look for ways to do kind acts and favors for your family and friends. Send thank-you notes and birthday cards. Send clippings from newspapers and magazines about subjects that you feel may be of interest to them. Always keep your promises, and follow-up on your commitments. Always do what you say you will do. Do everything possible to put in, confidently knowing that you will ultimately be able to get out far more. Remember, you will always reap what you sow.

The most influential and successful people always look for ways to do nice things for others. When you meet someone under almost any circumstance, one of the best questions you can ask is this: โ€œIs there anything that I can do for you?โ€ Always look for ways to put in rather than to take out. If you want to be successful you have to be a โ€œgo-giverโ€ as well as a go-getter.

You need to be open to the influence of others if you want to be able to influence them. You need to be willing to accept feedback and to self-correct. You need to be flexible, fluent, and responsive to the needs and feelings of people. You need to be willing to change your mind and to approach situations and problems differently if your current method is not working.

The more people feel that you are open, empathetic, and sensitive to their needs and concerns, the more open they will be to you influencing them in some positive way. The more you can influence others with the power and impact of your personality, the more you will accomplish, and the faster you will accomplish it. And, the more rapidly you will move toward the great success that you desire and deserve.

Copyrightยฉ 2005 by Joe Love and JLM & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.

Joe Love draws on his 25 years of experience helping both individuals and companies build their businesses, increase profits, and achieve total success. A former ad agency executive and marketing consultant, Joeโ€™s work in personal development focuses on helping his clients identify hidden marketable assets that create windfall opportunities and profits, as well as sound personal happiness and peace.

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